2023. december 23., szombat

My weekly show on Budapest based Lahmacun Radio

Strange Stories; my  radio show on Budapest based Lahmacun radio (originally aired on Sunday, December 03, 5-6pm, CET). A wall of machine driven sounds are closing in, and you have the distinct sensation of sitting in at a strange shamanistic ritual, drift off into an ethereal wilderness, a forlorn realm of landscapes that feel at the same time as intimate as your own body sounds yet hauntingly desolate and unfamiliar 

In this show; Absolute Body Control, Klinik, Cabaret Voltaire, Click Click, Thcontroll and more Cover photo: Igor B (aka Geigercounterculture) 

 The show is now archived. Free and endless re-play for your listening and dancing pleasure.

Link: https://www.lahmacun.hu/shows/geigercounterculture/strange_stories

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