2023. december 23., szombat

My weekly show on Budapest based Lahmacun Radio


Horizons Of Suburbia; my weekly show on Budapest based Lahmacun Radio (originally aired on Sunday, December 17, 5-6pm, CET)
Collection of subdued ambience and electronics with hints of nominal piano melodies, lush, sensual, feminine, full-bodied string arrangements with piano and voice. There is a hint of contemporary classical string work going on, diving into the icy ambience. Drones sliding in and out through this elegant collection, floating off into oblivion.
In this show I'll play tunes from; Lucinda Chua, Daughter, Gimu, Daniva Danive, Naono, Blue Sky Research and others
Cover photo: Igor B (aka Geigercounterculture)
The show is now archived. Free and endless re-play for your listening and dancing pleasure here:


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