2013. november 9., szombat

Darwin Raymond - Open Sky

Through our circular ascension
We've come to this point

Everything else so distant
Only this beautiful blue breath

Ozone and emptiness falling
Into this one moment

This now

~Darwin Raymond

Open Sky
by Darwin Raymond
released 07 October 2013
Photo and Poem by Darwin Raymond
Mastered by Bobby Jones
Recorded July 2012 - July 2013 in Chicago, Illinois, Columbus, Ohio and the Fairfield County (Ohio) Airport

"Through art - we can almost touch divinity. And we are merely tiny individuals hanging out in this universe creating beyond what was thought possible. Musicians are constantly evolving and they are continually giving us the gift of music. This netlabel serves as a platform to bring together different sound artists and to briefly experience the poetry of sound within ourselves.
Releases are licensed under Creative Commons, non-commercial, non-derivatives or derivatives based on the artist and release." - Subterranean Tide

More info here: http://subterraneantide.bandcamp.com/album/open-sky
Released under Creative Commons License; Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0)

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