2013. december 31., kedd

V.A. - Fields


somewhere cornered against a confused cosmos and identification you will find fear, suffering, and a delicate ego sitting aside; one that wants to hide beneath the covers and close her eyes tightly to the fists of human crafted creatures, gods and monstrosities

but most of all you will find the most simplest kind of a mind; one that sees most matters with a glass heart, composed of love, laughter, intellectual strength and emotional grace trying to obtain a better view of human crafted creatures, gods and monstrosities

the story is really not so complex, no more complex than that of other stories; with a beginning, swimming in both red and blue seas; with a middle, growing and flowing in all directions;
and with an end, as inevitable as all ends

~Emily Loren Moss Ferrell

FIELDS - a series of free compilations showcasing a handpicked selection of both established and new experimental drone, ambient and electroacoustic artists.
FIELDS is not a "label" in the traditional sense - there will be no releases by individual artists as most of them either have affiliations with various labels or self release on Bandcamp and other platforms. Our aim is simply to put together a great collection of sounds by inviting some of our favourite artists to contribute.
More info here: http://fieldscompilation.bandcamp.com/album/fields
or here: http://fieldscompilation.tumblr.com/
Caterpillars Dressed In Their Finest: http://caterpillarsdressedintheirfinest.bandcamp.com/
Emily's poem: http://emilylrn.blogspot.com/
Fields Volume One is a free download.

2013. december 20., péntek

A gate to the other dimension; Hypnagothique #104 – Geigercounterculture 5...

These hearts were woven of human joys and cares,
Washed marvellously with sorrow, swift to mirth.
The years had given them kindness. Dawn was theirs,
And sunset, and the colours of the earth.
These had seen movement, and heard music; known
Slumber and waking; loved; gone proudly friended;
Felt the quick stir of wonder; sat alone;
Touched flowers and furs and cheeks. All this is ended.

There are waters blown by changing winds to laughter
And lit by the rich skies, all day. And after,
Frost, with a gesture, stays the waves that dance
And wandering loveliness. He leaves a white
Unbroken glory, a gathered radiance,
A width, a shining peace, under the night.

Rupert Brooke; 1914 IV: The Dead

A gate to the other dimension, the podcast from and for the insomniac; Hypnagothique #104 – Geigercounterculture 5 ... the new mix is online! Those spoken word greatest; Anne Clark, Maps and Diagrams & Estela Lamat, Felicia Atkinson with Sylvain Chauveau, Caterpillars Dressed In Their Finest, etc....
As usual; free download... or just sit back,relax and enjoy the heavenly voices...
Here: http://www.hypnagothique.cyberfarts.nl/hypnagothique-104-geigercounterculture-5/

2013. december 15., vasárnap

Linear Bells - Over & Over

brushed by a burnt sky we will burn together
in the plaster of a cold gail pounding upon our breasts
with the charms of the afternoon chill and enchanted voices
we rest with the souls of winter".

      Released 14 December 2013  
Mastered by David Teboul
    Photograph by Peter Nejedly
            Poem by Emily Loren Moss Ferrell

2013. december 12., csütörtök

Jii Music - Spirit Walk

Jii-Music - Spirit Walk

Jiibay Shadow Dancer; Native American Indian (Ojibwe)
Sound designer & music producer.

In Jii's words describing her music: "Analogue, Ambient/Dark, Drone, Experimental Noise & Idm are where my musical passion thrives with a cinematic touch. Self taught in the area of music theory and incorporating real instruments: piano, violin, cello, Native flute & Native drumming can be found in many of my releases. Positive energies evolve creating soundscapes of emotion; many of the elements stem from my Native American (Ojibwe) heritage, these elements easily create their own fusion with originality, putting in motion, and a reflection of me; resulting in the ongoing project of Jii-Music.

After many years of composing music and performing live in classical violin/piano concerto competitions in my adolescent years, given honorable mention by the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra in my adult life and performing traditional Native American dance in intertribal powwows within the United States; my students and friends felt it was time to start releasing and sharing my unreleased music publicly or possibly look into some music netlabels. In 2012, my first EP and my first full album were released on a French netlabel, Sirona-Records. I've continued to release music in 2013 on CRL Studios, Treetrunk Records and Solanic Netlabel. The day I stop composing music will be the day I stop breathing."

More info here: https://soundcloud.com/2spirits1soul-jiibay
or here: http://jii-music.bandcamp.com/

2013. december 10., kedd

Jii Music - Mourning The Wendigo

Jii-Music ‎-- Mourning The Wendigo
Label: Not On Label ‎-- none
Format: 5 × File, MP3, EP
Country: US
Released: 06 Jun 2013
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient, Dark Ambient, Drone
Album artwork by Blutspan

"Mourning The Wendigo is based on a Native American mythological spiritual creature. The last known Wendigo Ceremony conducted in the United States was at Lake Windigo of Star Island of Cass Lake, located within the Leech Lake Indian Reservation in Northern Minnesota.

Among the Assiniboine, the Cree & Ojibwe tribes, we share the belief that human beings could turn into Wendigos if they resorted to cannibalism and would become possessed by the demonic spirit of the Wendigo, often in a vision, in times of hardship or famine.

This album has a deep personal meaning; although not resorting to cannibalism, but having also experienced such visits of spiritual demonic mythological creatures within my visions during struggles of my own, I have been instructed by the medicine men/women and Elders of the Ojibwe Nation how to allow these demons to pass through me rather than to consume my mind, body and spirit ; keeping me from choosing a path of self destruction.

~With great respect to my bloodline~" - Jii-Music

More info here: http://jii-music.bandcamp.com/
Mourning The Wendigo is released under Creative Commons License; Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

2013. december 7., szombat

Tsone - Exiles

Tsone - Exiles
Format: 6 × File, Album
Released: 06 December 2013
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient

Tsone is a multimedia artist whose design aesthetic focuses mainly on the innovative uses of sound in a non-musical context. In the past few years his work has centered on the development of interactive systems for dance performances and art installations. His work has been heard in the Phoenix Art Museum, the Scottsdale Center for Performing Arts and on various record labels around the world.
More info here: https://tsone.bandcamp.com/releases
facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Tsone/279546825411405
Released under Creative Commons License;  Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

2013. december 5., csütörtök

Darren Harper ‎-- The Receding Edge

Minimal, textured guitar drones and suspended synths...
wintery daydreams...

Darren Harper - The Receding Edge
Label: Not On Label (Darren Harper Self-released) -- none
Format: 2 × File, MP3, EP, 320kbs
Country: US
Released: 07 Nov 2010
Genre: Electronic
Style: Field Recording, Drone, Experimental, Ambient
More info here: http://darrenharper.bandcamp.com/album/the-receding-edge

Darren Harper's The Receding Edge is released under Creative Commons License; Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

2013. december 2., hétfő

Ponytea ‎-- Simón de Cirene

Ponytea ‎-- Simón de Cirene
Label: Circlesandlines Recordings ‎-- candl22(2010) / MYRDAL. SoundLAB MYSL-09 (2013)
Format: 3 × File, MP3, 320kbps
Country: Russia / México
Style: Drone, Ambient

"Ponytea (aka Arturo Castelló) believes firmly that reverb and delay are totally associated with religious and mystical founts since the beginning of times when churches, temples and pyramids where built for mystical adoration."

More info:
Circlesandlines Recordings
or here:


Circlesandlines release under Creative commons License; Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)