2011. december 27., kedd
Paco Alvarez - It's time to go home
Paco Alvarez draws an acoustic painting free of objects but full of space for the listener's own thoughts and interpretation when left alone at home with Domestic Landscapes.
You may travel with slow motion or dubbish drive to be right on time. Arriving at different places where ambience, microtonality and soft fieldrecordings wait for contemplation.
Walk those sonic ranges, swim in these melodic seas and fly on top the droning mountains you shall explore in Domestic Landscapes.
Paco Alvarez's debut album on rec72 is a continuous monument of sophisticated downtempo electronica.
rec72 is a netlabel focusing on electronic music and visuals to be spread on the internet and being downloadable for free. We deliver Electronica (IDM, Breaks and Downtempo) and Visuals since 2007!
rec72′s artists love to share their music and video clips under Creative Commons (by-nc-nd, by-nc-sa or by-sa). Which means you can download all music and visuals for free. You can employ our output to underscore your slide shows and clips on youtube, vimeo etc. Fill your next podcast show with our music. As long as non commercial usage is intended!
More info here: http://rec72.net/
2011. december 19., hétfő
Errnois - A Ghost In My Bedroom
Various -- Hush Noise
Label: Inglorious Ocean -- I.O.E.N.L. | 005
Format: CDr, Compilation
File, FLAC
Country: Italy
Released: 2010
Genre: Classical, Electronic
Style: Contemporary, Experimental, Ambient
"Inglorius Ocean is a net label born in 2009.
We are a no-profit label.
Our purpose is to share free music. We believe in free information and art.
Main genres: post-rock | ambient | drone | shoegaze | experimental.
All Inglorious Ocean's albums and compilations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 "
More info here: http://ingloriousocean.bandcamp.com/
2011. december 18., vasárnap

My words are all stripped bare..............
a slow boat to China
2011. december 14., szerda
Esoteric Sob - Little Moments
Esoteric Sob – Abnormal Psychology
Label: From A Tree – FATDIGI012
Format: 10 × File, MP3
Country: Greece
Released: 03 Oct 2011
Genre: Electronic
Style: IDM, Ambient
The album Abnormal Psychology from the musician Esoteric Sob is a dark blend of ambient landscapes, complex glitch rythms and colourful melodies. Every track travels you to a black and abnormal place resembling each one a different psychological state.
2011. december 13., kedd
Visuelle Musik - Game Of Life [In Between]
Visuelle Musik -- Solmis'olre Domir'emi
Label: Luxus-Arctica Records International -- LUXXAr051601-01
Format: 9 × File, MP3, Album, VBR
Country: Germany
Released: 01 Mar 2010
Genre: Electronic
Style: Glitch, Abstract, Experimental, Ambient
Instruments -- Mathias Brüssel
Track 5: Game of Life software by Jeremy Ashkenas
Track 6: Supermarket backdrop by Lasse-Marc Riek
Tracks 6 & 7: Czech number reading software by the Conet project, Tell.me software by Marcel Senkpiel, Chladni software by Manfred Kraft.
Visuelle Musik is a multi-media project focused on transcoding different aspects of reality, applying different concepts to generate music from graphics, visuals from music, graphic from text...
By adding further associations using field recordings and real instruments, the music is allowed to evolve.
Luxus-Arctica focuses on the genres of Ambient Electronica and Minimal Ambient music. We hope to expand sooner rather than later into the indie/folk/ambient area as well as very select synth pop style music. We focus on free (preferably Creative Commons) releases and promote some releases for purchase. We look forward to offering our artists everything they need to get their releases off the ground. This includes advertising, networking, identity, and even design.
http://luxusarctica.wordpress.com/ ALL CONTENT ON THIS WEBSITE (including texts, graphics and photographs, audio and video files and any other original works) unless otherwise noted is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
2011. december 10., szombat
Specta Ciera - She Bought It
"We hope to imbue a mindset of thinking of music in a new way. This is something we think we’ve done in the past, but we’d like to specifically focus on an embracing of real open mindedness, altruism, acceptance of the unknown, readiness to learn and assimilate, and to be filled by the unfathomable openness of the frontier and in doing so becoming a transient in a new found home (able to come and go at will)." - Luxus-Arctica records International
Specta Ciera -- Wind ShiftLabel: Luxus-Arctica records International -- LUXXAr051801-01
Format: 11 × File, MP3, Album, 320 kbps
Country: US
Released: 01 May 2010
Genre: Electronic
Style: Drone, Experimental, Ambient
Photography -- Jourdan Laik
Specta Ciera is a project pseudonym of experimental sound designer Devin Underwood (also 1/2 of Drexon Field), located in Cambridge, MA. His work typically comprises of ambient drones, field recordings and avant garde electronics, although he is keen to experiment through different techniques as each release comes out.
Luxus-Arctica focuses on the genres of Ambient Electronica and Minimal Ambient music. We hope to expand sooner rather than later into the indie/folk/ambient area as well as very select synth pop style music. We focus on free (preferably Creative Commons) releases and promote some releases for purchase. We look forward to offering our artists everything they need to get their releases off the ground. This includes advertising, networking, identity, and even design.
http://luxusarctica.wordpress.com/ ALL CONTENT ON THIS WEBSITE (including texts, graphics and photographs, audio and video files and any other original works) unless otherwise noted is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Specta Ciera - Four
Specta Ciera -- Lighthouse Point
Label: Circlesandlines Recordings -- candl19
Format: 7 × File, MP3, EP, 320kbps
Country: Russia
Released: 18 Apr 2010
Genre: Electronic
Style: Experimental, Ambient
Specta Ciera is a project pseudonym of experimental sound designer Devin Underwood (also 1/2 of Drexon Field), located in Cambridge, MA. His work typically comprises of ambient drones, field recordings and avant garde electronics, although he is keen to experiment through different techniques as each release comes out.
Circlesandlines Recordings; Russian ambient micro label based in St.Petersburg.
"The concept and main theme for us is ambient music and variable substyles which depicts completeness and perfection of nature around and also put you in special state of mind observing it."
More info here: http://www.circlesandlines.org/index.html
Releases from candl03 licensed under a Creative Commons License.
2011. december 7., szerda
Miktek - I Can't Find You
I Can't Find You EP
Immediate download of 6-track album in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.
Here: http://

Shimmering ambient drone; by Atrio Serenade
"... Unos grandes arboles sombrean su vivienda.... alrededor hay jardines , planteles de eleotrópos y de claveles...... Ensueño , calma , reposo , paz .... ensueño , calma , reposo , paz .....
Se encienden las primeras estrellas ... dulce ensueño ..... ensueño .... "
Here: http://
theAudiologist - Qitag
Various -- Alkalinear Various Artists [VA 2011]
Label: Alkalinear Recordings -- [alk020]
Format: 21 × File, MPEG-4 Video, 320 kbps
Country: UK
Released: 21 Aug 2011
Genre: Electronic
Style: Leftfield, Abstract, IDM, Ambient, Breakbeat, Electro
Qitag also on The Audiologist new album Idios Kosmos.
Release date - December 12th 2011
Label: Section 27
Preview: http://soundcloud.com/theaudiologist/sets/idios-kosmos
theAudiologist crafts the most tranquil and surrendering of sounds, these opining overtures tingle and twinkle with all the suspended charm and beauty of frosted ice sculptures, both dainty and delicate - alluring and arresting their sepia trimmed treatments tremble as though melancholic mirages of fragmented memories rippling through the ether, sweetly bitter in design and sensitive and spectral in texture... these twilight treats are best viewed in the stillness afforded by a nocturnal setting that way they are able to unfurl their shyly reclined persona.
Alkalinear Recordings is an Irish netlabel that was founded in 2009 by Simon Matthews aka Ventolyn&Becotyde. The label is currently run by S.Matthews and Jimmy Penguin.
We primarily release digital downloads for free, and recently launched our vinyl catalogue. For more info, downloads and more please visit our site:
and here: http://www.archive.org/details/alk020Va2011
2011. december 2., péntek
Nogaro - Inside Land
Nogaro -- Domestic Colours
Label: Tri Postal -- trip.5
Format: 7 × File, MP3, 192 kbps
Country: Belgium
Released: 18 Jul 2007
Genre: Electronic, Pop
Style: Electro, Downtempo
Nogaro is a personal project of a very active guy : Sébastien Wilkin, well known in Belgium thanks his first band called Tongue (stopped in 2003 after supports for Piano Magic, Yuppie Flu, etc). Sébastien Wilkin is also the lead singer and composer of Silicon (including David Hougardy, guitar in Sweek). Nice galaxy !
In "Domestic Colours", Nogaro delivers some quiet electro-pop pieces... Enjoy.
Tri Postal's parent Label: Carte Postale Records; Belgian independant micro-label from namur established in 2003.
tripostal (french term you can translate in english by mail sorting) is a free sub-label for the belgian independent physical label Carte Postale Records.
tripostal is dedicated to "post-everything-you-want" and emerging sounds be they electronic or acoustic. It's a home for Carte Postale Records's friends, artists we met on the net or in the true life since 2003.
http://www.tripostal.be/ All these works are licenced under Creative Commons Licence.
Silencio - June (.tape. Remix)
Silencio -- Shades Of Green (Grünezeit Remixed + 1)
Label: Tri Postal -- trip.07
Format: File, MP3, Compilation, 192 kbps
Country: Belgium
Released: 01 Mar 2009
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: IDM, Drone, Experimental, Ambient
In september 2005, Carte Postale released the Silencio's album "Grûnezeit", an ambient opus about introspective, contemplative and delicate soundscapes composed by Julien Demoulin (also Eglantine records manager) . Here's the remix version !
Tri Postal's parent Label: Carte Postale Records; Belgian independant micro-label from namur established in 2003.
tripostal (french term you can translate in english by mail sorting) is a free sub-label for the belgian independent physical label Carte Postale Records.
tripostal is dedicated to "post-everything-you-want" and emerging sounds be they electronic or acoustic. It's a home for Carte Postale Records's friends, artists we met on the net or in the true life since 2003.
http://www.tripostal.be/ All these works are licenced under Creative Commons Licence.
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