2011. szeptember 30., péntek
Fescal - I've never had much time for heroes
Fescal; sound artist, graphic designer, and photographer residing North of Seoul, Republic of South Korea. Free and legal download of his latest album A Slice Of Time And Energy (September 23, 2011): http://www.archive.org/det
2011. szeptember 28., szerda

Bezdna Radio Essentials 024
by SilentFlow Netlabel
As the autumn weather changes so does the sound flows through the mind leaving microdepressive thoughts. Enjoy the moment.Listen and download: http://silent.com.md/bezdn
2011. szeptember 27., kedd
Graues Neutral - Choose One
Graues Neutral -- Modell S
Label: Phonocake -- Phoke37
Format: 6 × File, MP3, EP, VBR V0
Country: Germany
Released: 04 Oct 2006
Genre: Electronic
Style: IDM, Experimental, Ambient
A little journey through minimalistic spaces for dreamers and enthusiasts. Images of everyday life are transformed into music... traditional sounds of classical instruments where electronically modified to create "model s"- sampling and field recording where used to create a balance between ambience and harmony.
"Aiming to present the local electronic music scene on a wider scale, the Dresden based netlabel Phonocake releases electronic music by artists from Dresden since June 1, 2003. Since 2006 we also release music from friends and artists worldwide. You can find music in the styles IDM, melodic Electronica, Experimental and all possible combinations of it here. We have a strong free access and free culture attitude.
The music, we offer here and in the net is released with the so called Creative Commons Licence." - Phonocake
Here: http://www.phonocake.org/
Label: Phonocake -- Phoke37
Format: 6 × File, MP3, EP, VBR V0
Country: Germany
Released: 04 Oct 2006
Genre: Electronic
Style: IDM, Experimental, Ambient
A little journey through minimalistic spaces for dreamers and enthusiasts. Images of everyday life are transformed into music... traditional sounds of classical instruments where electronically modified to create "model s"- sampling and field recording where used to create a balance between ambience and harmony.
"Aiming to present the local electronic music scene on a wider scale, the Dresden based netlabel Phonocake releases electronic music by artists from Dresden since June 1, 2003. Since 2006 we also release music from friends and artists worldwide. You can find music in the styles IDM, melodic Electronica, Experimental and all possible combinations of it here. We have a strong free access and free culture attitude.
The music, we offer here and in the net is released with the so called Creative Commons Licence." - Phonocake
Here: http://www.phonocake.org/
2011. szeptember 23., péntek
Madstyle - Aurigea Dream
Madstyle -- Chillusion EP
Label: Phonocake -- Phoke31
Format: 8 × File, MP3, EP, VBR
Country: Germany
Released: 09 Jun 2005
Genre: Electronic
Style: IDM, Ambient
Even though you can detect hints of chill out in the name of the EP, Madstyle does not offer you sounds treated with some kind of fabric softener. Much rather, dynamical rhythms and atmospheric sounds add up to a complex structure, unfolding its pleasant effect after a few seconds.
For eight tracks, this pulsing cloud of sounds hovers above the listener and displays the most varied aspects. The first track, Frozen Planet, shyly approaches you and lives with close to no percussive elements. Track by track, the rhythmic structures gain further weight, adding to the mood and the diversity of the EP unobtrusively.
"Aiming to present the local electronic music scene on a wider scale, the Dresden based netlabel Phonocake releases electronic music by artists from Dresden since June 1, 2003. Since 2006 we also release music from friends and artists worldwide. You can find music in the styles IDM, melodic Electronica, Experimental and all possible combinations of it here. We have a strong free access and free culture attitude.
The music, we offer here and in the net is released with the so called Creative Commons Licence." - Phonocake
Here: http://www.phonocake.org/
Label: Phonocake -- Phoke31
Format: 8 × File, MP3, EP, VBR
Country: Germany
Released: 09 Jun 2005
Genre: Electronic
Style: IDM, Ambient
Even though you can detect hints of chill out in the name of the EP, Madstyle does not offer you sounds treated with some kind of fabric softener. Much rather, dynamical rhythms and atmospheric sounds add up to a complex structure, unfolding its pleasant effect after a few seconds.
For eight tracks, this pulsing cloud of sounds hovers above the listener and displays the most varied aspects. The first track, Frozen Planet, shyly approaches you and lives with close to no percussive elements. Track by track, the rhythmic structures gain further weight, adding to the mood and the diversity of the EP unobtrusively.
"Aiming to present the local electronic music scene on a wider scale, the Dresden based netlabel Phonocake releases electronic music by artists from Dresden since June 1, 2003. Since 2006 we also release music from friends and artists worldwide. You can find music in the styles IDM, melodic Electronica, Experimental and all possible combinations of it here. We have a strong free access and free culture attitude.
The music, we offer here and in the net is released with the so called Creative Commons Licence." - Phonocake
Here: http://www.phonocake.org/
2011. szeptember 19., hétfő
Blackberry Crystalline Trampoline
Blackberry - Melanphoria
Label: Phonocake [phoke73]
Format: 5 × File, MP3
Country: Germany
Released: 23.8.2011
"Slipping into a deep-cut valley, lined full of sugar rings and plush donuts filled with wine, around to realize that you are in a self carved wound, full of adventures, that we call life.
In the distance the abyss, the sweet, while balanced over wobbly wooden parapets, anointed by the Dub of lovely waves, in the bosom of bliss, while abstruse stalks, to serve the bill. Sangfroid, before you fall, into the glass of reason, full of love, preserved in the rings of artificiality.
With the artist Blackberry we closely come into another electronica artist generation in our city. Some will already know him by his EP's on the legendary and great Kahvi Collective, one of the oldest netlabels on earth : ). And now we can enjoy an EP by the Dresden resident on our label. A fine IDM-Electronica-net with slight dubby influences is woven, full of dynamics and audibleness. Enjoy." - Phonocake
About Phonocake: Aiming to present the local electronic music scene on a wider scale, the Dresden based netlabel Phonocake releases electronic music by artists from Dresden since June 1, 2003. Since 2006 we also release music from friends and artists worldwide, from Russia, South America and Europe.
We have a strong free access and free culture attitude. http://www.phonocake.org/
Label: Phonocake [phoke73]
Format: 5 × File, MP3
Country: Germany
Released: 23.8.2011
"Slipping into a deep-cut valley, lined full of sugar rings and plush donuts filled with wine, around to realize that you are in a self carved wound, full of adventures, that we call life.
In the distance the abyss, the sweet, while balanced over wobbly wooden parapets, anointed by the Dub of lovely waves, in the bosom of bliss, while abstruse stalks, to serve the bill. Sangfroid, before you fall, into the glass of reason, full of love, preserved in the rings of artificiality.
With the artist Blackberry we closely come into another electronica artist generation in our city. Some will already know him by his EP's on the legendary and great Kahvi Collective, one of the oldest netlabels on earth : ). And now we can enjoy an EP by the Dresden resident on our label. A fine IDM-Electronica-net with slight dubby influences is woven, full of dynamics and audibleness. Enjoy." - Phonocake
About Phonocake: Aiming to present the local electronic music scene on a wider scale, the Dresden based netlabel Phonocake releases electronic music by artists from Dresden since June 1, 2003. Since 2006 we also release music from friends and artists worldwide, from Russia, South America and Europe.
We have a strong free access and free culture attitude. http://www.phonocake.org/
2011. szeptember 15., csütörtök

Available in lossless format [with extra material] for free or name your price. It's all about choice. :) http://nonima.bandcamp.com/album/morphism-special-edition
2011. szeptember 14., szerda
Sonorefiction - Mecanique Du Fluide
Sonorefiction -- Isolated Sounds EP
Label: Monokrak Netlabel -- Mono 86
Format: 4 × File, EP, mp3 320
Country: Switzerland
Released: 01 Apr 2011
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient
4 free tracks of ambient/deep electronica for monoKraK netlabel http://www.monokrak.net.
all tracks from Sonorefiction (except"lament times", remix by Sonorefiction from Boris Grey "red racer funeral"track).
S o n o r e F i c t i o n
Ambient Experimental Imaginogène Music for Deep Listeners and Movies
s o n o r e f i c t i o n (aka) s o n o r e F - du concept musical "imaginogène", voici quelques samples expérimentaux combinant approche rythmique et bruits naturels bruts sans but précis, hormis celui de proposer une esquisse d'émotion.
plus récemment une diversion sur la deep ambiant et la minimal techno pour un travail plus rationaliste...
MonoKraK records is now a netlabel oriented ambient and deep minimal techno. Founded in 2006 by Roberto Vitali and based in Geneva (Switzerland), the first goal was to be a quality vinyl label of electronic music. But faced with the difficulties of finding a distributor and manage an independent label, it was decided to transform the identity of MonoKraK. For those who are out of the music business, just because they are not a "good product", there is another chance : netlabels. No more money in the affair, just music. The feeling to be free and to produce what or who you want is now a reality.
Here: http://www.monokrak.net and here: http://sonorefiction.blogspot.
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