2011. január 31., hétfő
Heroines Of The U.S.S.R - March 6th
Heroines Of The U.S.S.R - Spring Snow
Label: Archaic Horizon
Catalog#: AH023
Format: 4 x File, MP3, 192 kbps
Country: US
Released: 02 Apr 2008
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient
Heroines of the U.S.S.R constructed 'Spring Snow' with manipulated field recordings layered upon various instruments including the glockenspiel, guitar, and trumpet, as well as other homemade instruments. The sound of which is then deconstructed into an aged and grainy fury of soft kinetic tones, which wander about the periphery of the stereo field.
Each track posses a living force that is elemental to the operation of its change. This distinct underlying force that drives 'Spring Snow' through its slow and steady transitions is manifested through the degradation of prolonged tones. The weathered sonics thaw in the layers of thermal distortion and freeze into an icy frost after being sheltered from the sun. Cycling through these processes creates a sound enlivened with a chilling mobility that activates the listener's space.
Archaic Horizon is a net record label that distributes experimental electronic music for free under the protection of creative commons licensing.
Here: http://archaichorizon.com/releases/AH023?from_page=4
2011. január 28., péntek
Mikronesia - She Brings
Mikronesia - VXVII
Label: Kikapu Net.Label
Catalog#: kpu109
Format: 9 x File, MP3, 256 kbps
Country: Switzerland
Released: 22 Jan 2008
Genre: Electronic
Style: Experimental, Ambient
Kikapu Net.Label is primarily a net label, which means that we offer music that is available exclusively through free mp3 downloads, and we also offer the occasional CD/DVD release as well. Styles are free-ranging, but often focus on ambient, IDM, and other experimental-oriented sounds.
"Believe it or not, this amazing new album from Mikronesia will be our last release. Ever. That's right, Kikapu is kaput. We're going out in style though, with this brilliant collection of experimental ambient pieces. Mikronesia first came to our attention from his albums for the always impressive Gears of Sand label, and it's quite an honor for us to be able to release some of his work here at Kikapu.
And finally, for the last time, please enjoy." - Kikapu.
Here: http://www.archive.org/details/kpu109
2011. január 27., csütörtök
Counterspark - Highways
Counterspark - Existence EP
Label: Archaic Horizon
Catalog#: AH029
Format: 4 x File, MP3, EP, 192 kbps
Country: US
Released: 08 Jan 2009
Genre: Electronic
Style: Electro, Minimal, Ambient
Existence by Counterspark is filled with a warm, rustic color palette and sun-washed sonic atmospheres, which it aptly captures in the cover art. The EP expresses a delicacy in sonic depth, with subtle layering of sounds that provide a rich timbre and offer more thorough listening.
Existence is forward in its celebration of nature with a short and sweet presentation. With simple song titles like "Dawn" and "Highways", Counterspark seems to evoke a common duality of nature in opposition to industry. The critique, sonically, is soft-spoken buried within melody and murky atmospheric ambience. Comprised of four beatless songs, Existence feels like an optimistic outlook across countryside mixed with subtle melancholia from encroaching industry.
Archaic Horizon is a net record label that distributes experimental electronic music for free under the protection of creative commons licensing.
Here: http://archaichorizon.com/releases/AH029?from_page=3
Headphone Science - Return to the Desert (Melorman's Melo Mix)
Melorman & Headphone Science: Distant Thoughts in the Same Room.
Released by IVDT; a 'Quality over Quantity' netlabel. Providing free music since 2001.
Here: http://ivdt.net/ivdtmp3058.html
2011. január 23., vasárnap
Das Kraftfuttermischwerk - Seetauglich
CC-Album zum Download: Das Kraftfuttermischwerk - Im Garten Der Schneekugel.
Hier: http://www.kahvi.org/artists2.php?artist=Das+Kraftfuttermischwerk
Das Kraftfuttermischwerk - Paarfüßig
CC-Album zum Download: Das Kraftfuttermischwerk – Am Ende der Kirschallee(released 24 Dec 2010).
Hier: http://www.kraftfuttermischwerk.de/blogg/?p=20963
Mr Zu - Floating Away [H.D]
Floating Away by Mr Zu, taken from the Lunar Trip E.P. Released on the Load and Clear Netlabel [L&C 44]. Jan 2011.
Free and legal download here:
2011. január 20., csütörtök
Idmonster - The force may be with you
Idmonster - The Force May Be With You
Label: Monotonik
Catalog#: mtk.mp3.051
Format: File, MP3, 128 kbps
Country: US
Released: 15 Apr 2001
Genre: Electronic
Style: IDM, Ambient
Monotonik - Netlabel for IDM, breakbeats and chiptunes.
It was launched in 1996 out of the .MOD/tracker scene and boasts over 350 downloadable releases.
"The Force May Be With You is a truly divine track, starting in a sea of disembodied voice fragments and cosmic chord co-location, before adding layer on layer of pastoral strings, theremin (?), and jittering that percussive speech over and over, like instant transportation between thousands of conversations every second.
And sometimes it sounds a little like the most laidback air-raid siren in the world ever, cranking up. We like that." - Monotonik
Free and legal download here:
2011. január 19., szerda
A Soil Horizon - The Return of your Gravity
A Soil Horizon - Blurring The Borders EP
Label: I/O Netlabel
Catalog#: io032
Format: File, MP3, EP, 192 kbps
Country: US
Released: 30 Oct 2007
Genre: Electronic
Style: Glitch, IDM, Electro
I/O Netlabel: Founded on July 30, 2006, I/O is a non-profit organization specifically for electronica artists who wish to get their music to the public.
Free and legal download here:
id Submerged - Fjernsynet
ID Submerged - The Answer
Label: Soft Phase
Catalog#: sfp16
Format: 6 x File, MP3, EP, 320 kbps
Country: Finland
Released: 29 Dec 2010
Genre: Electronic
Style: Drone, Ambient
Deep Norwegian soundscapes from id Submerged; atmospheric moments for the seemingly endless winter darkness.
Soft Phase is a Nordic netlabel that aims to seek and provide exclusive releases of quality music, from artists who are dedicated and passionate about their work, without staring the genres too much. And also trying not to retain focus on any specific style of music, whether it'd be electronic or acoustic.
Free and legal download here:
2011. január 18., kedd
Muhr Crucial Opponent
Muhr - Her Fall Themes
Format: CDr, Mini-Album, Limited Edition
Country: Canada
Released: 2010
"At this time last year, i thought Muhr was dead. I thought my last album Farewell Anthology was a fitting end. But then something happened and just staring at my piano wouldn't just cut it anymore. I composed the first 7 songs on this ep last Autumn out of a mix of hope, desperation and melancholy.
I'm re-releasing this album with 3 new tracks on it....
This is the final Muhr album." - Vincent Fugère (aka Muhr).
More info here:
NCThompson - A Silent Goodbye
A Silent Goodbye; from the NCThompson debut release: Another Quiet Winter. Few thoughts from the artist himself:
“I think the title of this release almost says it all. These songs just seem connected by
the loneliness of looking up and seeing nothing but a cold gray sky; when all that’s left
is a longing feeling for times once passed. And as depressing as that may sound, I think
there’s something to be said for the kind of emotions that such longing can inspire.”
More info, including free and legal download here:
Hopefully the new ep is on it's way!
"My newest track, another venture in the ambient genre. Hopefully this will be released as part of a small ambient EP later this year, if I can get things together." NCThompson:
2011. január 17., hétfő
Bosques de mi Mente - Ahora son solo fantasmas
Bosques de mi mente - Otoño
Released the 29th of November of 2010.
"Otoño is an album of melancholic, intimist, minimalist music for piano. It has been recorded entirely of live improvisations, during 6 days of the fall of 2010, just as the music emerged from the forests of my mind to my fingers. It is an album of direct, sincere, quiet music to linger over." - Bosques de mi mente.
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Pablo Ribot - Voices Around My Head [HQ]
Pablo Ribot - Urban Metaphor
Label:Section 27
Format:11 x File, MP3, Album
Released:14 Nov 2010
Genre:Electronic, Hip Hop
Style:Abstract, Future Jazz, Hip Hop, Breakbeat, Broken Beat, Experimental
Free and legal download here:
Audiokonstrukte (album:City Echos, released in 2010) brings a fine blend of space and urban chillout electronica.Catchy production with many Lo-Fi sounds and a certain IDM touch. Audiokonstrukte creates jazzy, noisy electro awash with dub reggae influences. Beautiful deep synth sounds and bouncy, tight drum beats combine with funky square basslines, with some glitched out echoes and bleeps and blips thrown in for good measure.There are also a lot of simulated natural sounds; sounds you would expect to hear in your backyard just before the sun touches the horizon...
2011. január 16., vasárnap
Affective Disorder - St. Dizier At Night
A journey through a city at night with the smooth meeting the harsh and spikey...
Free and legal download here:
2011. január 14., péntek
Broadcast - Before We Begin (2003)
Rest in peace Trish....
"It is with great sadness we announce that Trish Keenan from Broadcast passed away at 9am this morning in hospital. She died from complications with pneumonia after battling the illness for two weeks in intensive care.
This is an untimely tragic loss and we will miss Trish dearly - a unique voice, an extraordinary talent and a beautiful human being. Rest in Peace." Warp Records.
Trish Keenan died on 14 January 2011.
2011. január 13., csütörtök

Papal-Yuga Records presents the second incarnation of the popular Interface series compilation. Just like the first volume, this compilation features dark music spanning over genre boundaries and represents a wide range of artists for you to enjoy.
Free download here:
Marble Sky - Waiting Room
Marble Sky - No Matter How Close
Label: Callow God
Catalog#: CG062
Format: Cassette, Limited Edition, C20
Country: US
Released: 25 Jan 2009
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient
Recorded at Celestial Soda Pop, Iowa; Winter 2009. For the west coast tour, limited to 30.
Murmurists - Heidegger Ponygirl
Murmurists - Pax Ithyphallic
Label: Dadaist Audio
Catalog#: DADA086
Format: File, MP3, 128 kbps
Country: Netherlands
Released: 19 Sep 2007
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Noise, Avantgarde, Experimental
Free and legal download under Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 here:
For more info: http://murmurists.blogspot.com/?zx=5c315a7a5ee7ca75
2011. január 11., kedd
A Soil Horizon - The Return of your Gravity
A Soil Horizon - Blurring The Borders EP
Label: I/O Netlabel
Catalog#: io032
Format: File, MP3, EP, 192 kbps
Country: US
Released: 30 Oct 2007
Genre: Electronic
Style: Glitch, IDM, Electro
I/O Netlabel: Founded on July 30, 2006, I/O is a non-profit organization specifically for electronica artists who wish to get their music to the public.
Lezrod and Darren Mcclure - Jas
Complex rhythms of bleeps and glitches, bonding together into heavy and hazy waves of drones. I could listen to this all day and just leave my brain idling.
Free and legal download here:
2011. január 10., hétfő
Lezrod - Spr.m
Lezrod - Retorno a la Nada; the debut album of David Velez, aka Lezrod,from Bogotà, Colombia.
Retorno a la nada represents an exploration into David's personal style of composition. A release of zymogen.net. Actually this was the very first release of zymogen.net...
Zymogen offers a means to consider and experience distinct electronic music and the internet as a resource. It is the product of refined consideration for experimental expression and aesthetics, offering music in a digital format since September 2005.
The label's foremost objective is to create a personal touch, in order to draw attention and stand out in the multitude.
Free and legal download here:
offthesky - Noon Peach
Offthesky is Jason Corder from Kentucky, USA.
As he personally reports on his website, the creative process behind his work is very particular:
"Each album concept surrounds the use of chaos theory and weather patterns to drive the movement, texture, timbres, tone, and dynamic of each recorded instrument (actually, temperature records and collated barometric pressure pattern data as well as fractal mathematics have been mined and interpolated to drive reaktor(vst) or max/msp dsp lfo/parameters).
The methods for creating an album are usually as evolved and random as the sky patterns they are inspired from.
Yet an axiom of offthesky is to keep each album conceptually based upon a theme."
His EP; Dwelling Spells, doesn't break these rules; composed around a specific concept, it evolves from the idea of an old lonely abandoned house that is full of growing things and subtle new organic life, as depicted on the cover which was taken by italian photographer Fulvio Romiti.
The music is evocative yet nostalgic of something past (a place, a room, an atmosphere...) which doesn't exist anymore, yet has become more poetic and fascinating than the untouched state.
Oskar Hallbert (from the Stockholm tape 2)
Oskar Hallbert is a musician who lives in a house in the woods in the north Sweden.
"I'm interested in numbers, and I'm interested in failures. Fibonacci tried to make a number sequence that would show how a population of rabbits grew.
Turns out his number sequence is worthless if you try to show how a rabbit population grows - BUT he unwillingly discovered something far more interesting. Turns out that the Fibonacci numbers appear everywhere in nature, in the proportion of our bodies, in the way that sunflowers organize there seeds, in the way branches grow on a tree and the way leafs grow on the branches, in the way eagles fly towards their preys - everywhere. The Fibonacci numbers are the closest we've got to mathematically understand the laws by which our world is created.
It's a quite personal album. I like my music to be somewhat documentary.
Almost all songs are based on an improvisation, and then digital editing and overdubbing, arranging and more overdubbing and more editing.
Most of the snippets origin from my mp3-player, with which I've recorded stuff that happened and places I've visit. They make a mosaique, that sums up my life during the time I made the songs.
And there is a few samples, a little from the tv show "This is our music", one from the movie "Harrold and Maude" ,..., and of course Sture Dahlstrom, one my favorite authors (who played jazz before he started writing). He goes: "I haven't touch my guitar for 40 years now, guess I wanna know if there's still some music in me."
I was really into Fibonaccis numbers at the time, it's a beautiful sequence. And I just liked the idea of a record with 89 tracks. And I needed something to arrange my music around. The number sequence did it."
Now listen. Here: http://www.zymogen.net/releases/zym023/index.php?download=package&mirror=squirrel
Off Land - Take Count
Off Land - Encounter Point
Label: Resting Bell
Format: 8 x File, MP3, 192 kbps
Country: Germany
Released: 13 Mar 2008
Genre: Electronic
Style: Experimental, Minimal, Ambient
Resting Bell is a netlabel.
The presented music should be meditative, experimental, electric, peaceful, beautiful, exciting, acustic or grounding. It could be nearly anything.
As a netlabel, Resting Bell will release music in MP3 format under the creative commons license for free. Here: http://www.restingbell.net/
2011. január 9., vasárnap
Kabana - Front
Kabana - Front EP
The title track is a study in relentless pads, cyclic bass, clicky minimal rhythms, and the odd ethereal swoosh. On the flipside, Cardiogram is a slightly dubbier affair, bringing the heartbeat-like bass to the foreground and underpinning it with clicks and sporadic pads. Just the kind of understated melodic ambience we know you love so much, with the perfect balance between progression and repetition.
Free and legal download here:
Mark.Nine - Karma
Mark.Nine - Glitch
Label:I/O Netlabel
Format:File, MP3, Album, 128 kbps
Released:23 Sep 2006
Style: Breakbeat, Downtempo, Ambient
Also on Terminal C by Mark.Nine, released on 25th November 2008.
Free Album, here:
A Soil Horizon - Daybreak Dialogues
A Soil Horizon - Blurring The Borders EP
Label: I/O Netlabel
Catalog#: io032
Format: File, MP3, EP, 192 kbps
Country: US
Released: 30 Oct 2007
Genre: Electronic
Style: Glitch, IDM, Electro
I/O Netlabel: Founded on July 30, 2006, I/O is a non-profit organization specifically for electronica artists who wish to get their music to the public.
Free and legal download of this and other I/O releases here:
Mark.Nine - In My Place
Mark.Nine - Where Are We Going EP
Label: I/O Netlabel
Catalog#: io008
Format: File, MP3, EP, 128 kbps
Country: US
Released: 25 Dec 2006
Genre: Electronic
Style: Illbient, Downtempo, Ambient
I/O Netlabel: Founded on July 30, 2006, I/O is a non-profit organization specifically for electronica artists who wish to get their music to the public.
2011. január 7., péntek
2011. január 3., hétfő
The Inventors Of Aircraft - Let Me Give You What You Want
The Inventors of Aircraft – As it is.
Free and legal download here:
The Inventors Of Aircraft - All, Nothing
The Inventors of Aircraft - Unknown Language.
"These obscure symbols lend themselves well to the music, for 'Unknown Language' has very definite leanings towards the world of science and indeed science fiction. The album has a vast, almost monolithic sound that builds relentlessy. On the track 'Passing' it is not difficult to imagine that the title may be a reference to some gargantuan satellite, a slow paced yet immovable object casting a shadow over some desolate alien landscape far below.
The pieces meld into one another flitting between earthy and organic soundscapes to more overtly electronic and droney pieces."
(release info)
Free and legal download here:
2011. január 2., vasárnap
Brandon Reid Huey - Alone Machines (Residential Mix)
Track Taken From The " Low Light Rewinder EP "(2004). Written & Produced By Brandon Reid Huey A.K.A. Crashed By Car. Free and legal download here:
Bejegyzések (Atom)