2010. december 30., csütörtök
AAS - The Outsider
The American Astronomical Society. Released: December 24, 2010.
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 29., szerda
As The Stars Fall - Artificial Sun
"As The Stars Fall is a black and white photography of a glowing light slowly fading out in the night, a disenchanted glance at the world, the soundtrack of tormented life, that could have been written by Hubert Selby Jr, some frozen memories, a bitter melancholy…
As The Stars Fall is a touch of desperation, the end of a sad story…"
2010. december 28., kedd
2010. december 27., hétfő
Apparent Symmetry - Taken Back (Access To Arasaka Remix)
Apparent Symmetry: Mourn / Remixed. Free and legal download here:
Ishome - Nothing
VA - Re-Passage 2. Free and legal download here:
Mikael Fyrek - Echoes Of Friendship
Mikael Fyrek - Echoes of friendship. Free and legal download here:
2010. december 21., kedd
Engine7 - Fake Blizzard (Buildings Falling)
Engine7 - Hope Street.
Engine7 is a project by Alan McNeill from Glasgow. Alan makes emotional, organic music influenced by everything that makes him feel human, good or bad. The sounds swell like nature, brutal and beautiful, treading the line between paranoia and peace.
Listening to Engine7 is like being on a train in a storm, heading home. Eventually we'll get there, we always do.
Hope Street is in Glasgow. It's the most polluted street in Europe. Busses, beggars, blood. No hope here.
The cover art of 'Hope Street' shows the weather turning - but are the rainclouds forming or dispersing? We look into the sun, aspiring to be free, but it's painful. What are we hoping for anyway? A better life? Calm? Oblivion? We're knocked around by our daily life - does that change what we hope for? Does our hope become naivety? On one hand we have hope, a fantasy of a less painful life, on the other hand we have the grit, dirt, dust and grime of reality.
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 19., vasárnap
Reii - Silently
An ep of breathtaking beauty from Reii. Free and legal download here:
Miles Tilmann - Pillow Theme
Miles Tilmann - Melt LP.
Free and legal download here:
Huron - Long Sunday Alone
Huron - Soul At Hope. Free and legal download here:
2010. december 17., péntek
Bad Loop - Lumme [Milieu Mix]
Bad Loop from a rather interesting album of unreleased remixes from a diverse family of artists; Wasted Magic in the Sound
Free and legal download here:
Mikael Fyrek - Farewell Today
Mikael Fyrek - Echoes of friendship. Free and legal download of this amazing ep here:
S.E.T.I. - Warm Approach
S.E.T.I. - Station. Free ep. Load it down here:
Norman Fairbanks - Mystified
Norman Fairbanks - Graceland. Free and legal download here:
2010. december 16., csütörtök
505 - Sentiment
"Earworms, nice, how it should be!"
The whole world in a tracker. Small earworms drifting through columns of numbers and while the the world is celebrating one HiTech after another, some people in their little rooms know what is good, or what one knows, or what one is good in. The specialists are on their way and push the worms through ... a bag of ATARI-chips in the emulation cotton candy machine, bright white and isolated, while scientists in Bonn cool down the light and create a new light source from superparticles, so they can create new usable light wavelength, for creating the chips of tomorrow.
In 505's PC Debut "Cirrus" you float by five years of digesting and processing, where the icy threads condense and announce a warm front with a silky shimmer and vice versa. What can be an ice cloud at high altitude, is beeing 'tracked' and 'renoised' pushed ahead to the finale using piano recordings, found sounds such as from the Berlin train station or relatives, accompanied by catchy moments, that for once can sound almost like movie score, or Japanese pop music, which was translated into French, with detuning moments, drifting into pleasure....
Right up my alley.....
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 13., hétfő
As If - Dawning
"Every sound is born out of silence, just to die back into silence, and in that time it is surrounded by silence.
Silence makes it possible for the sound too exists.
You can't focus on silence, without having silence within you."
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 12., vasárnap
Quosp - Everglade
Milieu & Quosp – Grassland Melodies
Free and legal download here: http://www.ropeswingcities.com/?p=154
2010. december 11., szombat
ISAN - Eastside
Robin Saville and Antony Ryan, two English gentlemen who create music
together under the nom de plume ISAN (Integrated Services Analogue
"I like to imagine sitting in a darkened room looking at the gentle green glow of 1970s vu meters, then they all come to life and start crawling up the wall" says Antony. Such is the album's celestial hot-wired circuit board wizardry; Glow In The Dark Safari Set (released in 2010 by Isan spiritual home; Morr Music) positively throbs, ebbs and flows with electronically refracted ideas and melodies – a digital tone poem sitting somewhere betwixt the cosy experimentation of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and the exotic sonic emissions of a top secret Düsseldorf studio circa 1975.
Glow In The Dark Safari Set points to a beautiful future. Bask in its brilliance... :o)
2010. december 10., péntek
Astrowind - Der Leuchtturm
"78 minutes of warm and floating Astrowind-sounds. Der Leuchtturm is the German phrase for lighthouse, and the album is dedicated to the old city Libava, now Liepaja, the Baltic seaside and the lighthouses there. Warm and deep synth-drones are floating around like some obscure fog, and in-between little glitches, higher tones, samples from far, far away and melodie-fragments are blinking like an old lighthouse, guiding you through the dark and abyssal carpet, woven by old analog synths and desktop fx’s. Please have also a look on the fantastic artwork, done by Grisha Kochenov." - Christian Roth
Free and legal download here:
Christopher McFall - Crooked Site Winding
A Long Time Running for The Suicide Strays. Christopher McFall.
This release is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License. Free and legal download here:

Off Land is an ambient project by Tim Dwyer. With ambient textures, little field recording snippets, spoken word phrases and classical instruments, Off Land takes place in the space between minimal, ambient and contemporary classical music.
With 8 pieces and 75 minutes duration, “Encounter Point” is a monumental ambient work. All pieces are arranged very carefully and with a great sense for intensity and tension. The single tracks seem quite minimal and pure on the surface, but when you listen carefully, you can hear layers of different sound sources. There are outdoor-field recording parts, layered with soft keyboard patterns that fade into a slight beat, combined with a shy guitar melody. Every layer is like a unique story line through the complete work.
It’s a great acoustic quality when you’ve a huge depth of multiple sounds in the composition which don’t crush you, but instead give you the possibility to explore more and more with each listening.
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 9., csütörtök
Vektordrum - Uszo's Cocoon [Section27]
Vektordrum presents
Hello Skypedals Chapter Three: Capitose Windowpane.
"Last night I saw a man in my sleep who brought me to a utopia of pyramids and sourceless rays of light and the gates read scrambled letters that presented themselves in a foreign manner beyond inherent human synthesis. And then liquid of gold reflecting blue began to drown me from above, building from the sky down. I was taken by hand from sunrises to sunsets, past horizon radars from orange to gray. And as the liquid began to recede, it strangled me from an everchanging origin, shaking and distorting and grasping strenuously, knuckles white, attributing omniscience to desperation.
My view dissolved to a spectator's view of myself in bed, choking.
And then I woke up in bed.
The manifestation of psychedelia
from the view of my
Capitose Windowpane
Where everything they said had deeper meaning."
Free and legal download here:
Vektordrum - Infinit
Free and legal download here: http://www.archive.org/details/s27-041Vektordrum-Geese-IBanishedRecut
Brian McBride - Mélodrames Télégraphiés (In B Major 7th) Part 1
The dirty dozen of 2010:
Rafael Anton Irisarri – The North Bend
Rafael Anton Irisarri – Reverie
Naono – Sleppy Pebbles
NCThompson – Another Quiet Winter
Loscil – Endless Falls
Subheim – No Land Called home
Penjaga Insaf – Sama Sadja
Max Richter – Infra
The Sight Below - It All Falls Apart
Brian McBride – The Effective Disconnect
Good Weather For An Airstrike - Signals
Woodworkings - We Sit On Floors We Stand On Chairs
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