2010. december 30., csütörtök
AAS - The Outsider
The American Astronomical Society. Released: December 24, 2010.
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 29., szerda
As The Stars Fall - Artificial Sun
"As The Stars Fall is a black and white photography of a glowing light slowly fading out in the night, a disenchanted glance at the world, the soundtrack of tormented life, that could have been written by Hubert Selby Jr, some frozen memories, a bitter melancholy…
As The Stars Fall is a touch of desperation, the end of a sad story…"
2010. december 28., kedd
2010. december 27., hétfő
Apparent Symmetry - Taken Back (Access To Arasaka Remix)
Apparent Symmetry: Mourn / Remixed. Free and legal download here:
Ishome - Nothing
VA - Re-Passage 2. Free and legal download here:
Mikael Fyrek - Echoes Of Friendship
Mikael Fyrek - Echoes of friendship. Free and legal download here:
2010. december 21., kedd
Engine7 - Fake Blizzard (Buildings Falling)
Engine7 - Hope Street.
Engine7 is a project by Alan McNeill from Glasgow. Alan makes emotional, organic music influenced by everything that makes him feel human, good or bad. The sounds swell like nature, brutal and beautiful, treading the line between paranoia and peace.
Listening to Engine7 is like being on a train in a storm, heading home. Eventually we'll get there, we always do.
Hope Street is in Glasgow. It's the most polluted street in Europe. Busses, beggars, blood. No hope here.
The cover art of 'Hope Street' shows the weather turning - but are the rainclouds forming or dispersing? We look into the sun, aspiring to be free, but it's painful. What are we hoping for anyway? A better life? Calm? Oblivion? We're knocked around by our daily life - does that change what we hope for? Does our hope become naivety? On one hand we have hope, a fantasy of a less painful life, on the other hand we have the grit, dirt, dust and grime of reality.
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 19., vasárnap
Reii - Silently
An ep of breathtaking beauty from Reii. Free and legal download here:
Miles Tilmann - Pillow Theme
Miles Tilmann - Melt LP.
Free and legal download here:
Huron - Long Sunday Alone
Huron - Soul At Hope. Free and legal download here:
2010. december 17., péntek
Bad Loop - Lumme [Milieu Mix]
Bad Loop from a rather interesting album of unreleased remixes from a diverse family of artists; Wasted Magic in the Sound
Free and legal download here:
Mikael Fyrek - Farewell Today
Mikael Fyrek - Echoes of friendship. Free and legal download of this amazing ep here:
S.E.T.I. - Warm Approach
S.E.T.I. - Station. Free ep. Load it down here:
Norman Fairbanks - Mystified
Norman Fairbanks - Graceland. Free and legal download here:
2010. december 16., csütörtök
505 - Sentiment
"Earworms, nice, how it should be!"
The whole world in a tracker. Small earworms drifting through columns of numbers and while the the world is celebrating one HiTech after another, some people in their little rooms know what is good, or what one knows, or what one is good in. The specialists are on their way and push the worms through ... a bag of ATARI-chips in the emulation cotton candy machine, bright white and isolated, while scientists in Bonn cool down the light and create a new light source from superparticles, so they can create new usable light wavelength, for creating the chips of tomorrow.
In 505's PC Debut "Cirrus" you float by five years of digesting and processing, where the icy threads condense and announce a warm front with a silky shimmer and vice versa. What can be an ice cloud at high altitude, is beeing 'tracked' and 'renoised' pushed ahead to the finale using piano recordings, found sounds such as from the Berlin train station or relatives, accompanied by catchy moments, that for once can sound almost like movie score, or Japanese pop music, which was translated into French, with detuning moments, drifting into pleasure....
Right up my alley.....
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 13., hétfő
As If - Dawning
"Every sound is born out of silence, just to die back into silence, and in that time it is surrounded by silence.
Silence makes it possible for the sound too exists.
You can't focus on silence, without having silence within you."
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 12., vasárnap
Quosp - Everglade
Milieu & Quosp – Grassland Melodies
Free and legal download here: http://www.ropeswingcities.com/?p=154
2010. december 11., szombat
ISAN - Eastside
Robin Saville and Antony Ryan, two English gentlemen who create music
together under the nom de plume ISAN (Integrated Services Analogue
"I like to imagine sitting in a darkened room looking at the gentle green glow of 1970s vu meters, then they all come to life and start crawling up the wall" says Antony. Such is the album's celestial hot-wired circuit board wizardry; Glow In The Dark Safari Set (released in 2010 by Isan spiritual home; Morr Music) positively throbs, ebbs and flows with electronically refracted ideas and melodies – a digital tone poem sitting somewhere betwixt the cosy experimentation of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and the exotic sonic emissions of a top secret Düsseldorf studio circa 1975.
Glow In The Dark Safari Set points to a beautiful future. Bask in its brilliance... :o)
2010. december 10., péntek
Astrowind - Der Leuchtturm
"78 minutes of warm and floating Astrowind-sounds. Der Leuchtturm is the German phrase for lighthouse, and the album is dedicated to the old city Libava, now Liepaja, the Baltic seaside and the lighthouses there. Warm and deep synth-drones are floating around like some obscure fog, and in-between little glitches, higher tones, samples from far, far away and melodie-fragments are blinking like an old lighthouse, guiding you through the dark and abyssal carpet, woven by old analog synths and desktop fx’s. Please have also a look on the fantastic artwork, done by Grisha Kochenov." - Christian Roth
Free and legal download here:
Christopher McFall - Crooked Site Winding
A Long Time Running for The Suicide Strays. Christopher McFall.
This release is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License. Free and legal download here:

Off Land is an ambient project by Tim Dwyer. With ambient textures, little field recording snippets, spoken word phrases and classical instruments, Off Land takes place in the space between minimal, ambient and contemporary classical music.
With 8 pieces and 75 minutes duration, “Encounter Point” is a monumental ambient work. All pieces are arranged very carefully and with a great sense for intensity and tension. The single tracks seem quite minimal and pure on the surface, but when you listen carefully, you can hear layers of different sound sources. There are outdoor-field recording parts, layered with soft keyboard patterns that fade into a slight beat, combined with a shy guitar melody. Every layer is like a unique story line through the complete work.
It’s a great acoustic quality when you’ve a huge depth of multiple sounds in the composition which don’t crush you, but instead give you the possibility to explore more and more with each listening.
Free and legal download here:
2010. december 9., csütörtök
Vektordrum - Uszo's Cocoon [Section27]
Vektordrum presents
Hello Skypedals Chapter Three: Capitose Windowpane.
"Last night I saw a man in my sleep who brought me to a utopia of pyramids and sourceless rays of light and the gates read scrambled letters that presented themselves in a foreign manner beyond inherent human synthesis. And then liquid of gold reflecting blue began to drown me from above, building from the sky down. I was taken by hand from sunrises to sunsets, past horizon radars from orange to gray. And as the liquid began to recede, it strangled me from an everchanging origin, shaking and distorting and grasping strenuously, knuckles white, attributing omniscience to desperation.
My view dissolved to a spectator's view of myself in bed, choking.
And then I woke up in bed.
The manifestation of psychedelia
from the view of my
Capitose Windowpane
Where everything they said had deeper meaning."
Free and legal download here:
Vektordrum - Infinit
Free and legal download here: http://www.archive.org/details/s27-041Vektordrum-Geese-IBanishedRecut
Brian McBride - Mélodrames Télégraphiés (In B Major 7th) Part 1
The dirty dozen of 2010:
Rafael Anton Irisarri – The North Bend
Rafael Anton Irisarri – Reverie
Naono – Sleppy Pebbles
NCThompson – Another Quiet Winter
Loscil – Endless Falls
Subheim – No Land Called home
Penjaga Insaf – Sama Sadja
Max Richter – Infra
The Sight Below - It All Falls Apart
Brian McBride – The Effective Disconnect
Good Weather For An Airstrike - Signals
Woodworkings - We Sit On Floors We Stand On Chairs
2010. november 29., hétfő
Headdreamer - City of Dust (miktek remix)
Headdreamer - Remixed. Free and legal download here:
2010. november 28., vasárnap
Phylum Sinter - A Bridge Burnt, Another Built [MDSQR002]
Phylum Sinter; Considerately. Free and legal download here:
Downliners Sekt - Solstices
Downliners Sekt; The Saltire Wave. Free and legal download here:
2010. november 27., szombat
Phylum Sinter - A Bridge Burnt, Another Built [MDSQR002]
Phylum Sinter - Considerately(Phylum Sinter Self-released). Load it down here:
2010. november 26., péntek
Otzim Lee - Utrom
Otzim Lee - Utrom(ep)... Load it down here:
2010. november 20., szombat
Alonefold - Dockyard Drunk
Alonefold : Signpost Horizons.... Free and legal download of this utterly beautiful release here:
URL - The Tune
URL - BerdzTrack (ep). Free and legal download here: http://www.archive.org/details/URL_BerdzTrack_EP
2010. november 17., szerda
Mosaik - Cumulus
Nagz - Quiet Year
A delicious blend of addictive melodies, submerged basses and some cool grooves; tasty to the extreme: Nagz (akaDavid Halmi,Hungary) - Hringur (ep)
Free and legal download here:
Free and legal download here:
Introspective - What We Do To Understand
Sheer ambient bliss; Introspective - What We Do To Understand.
Free and legal download here:
Free and legal download here:
Introspective - Vanishing Point
Introspective - Black Mesa Winds[kahvi236]. Free and legal download here:
or here:
2010. november 15., hétfő
Of A Star - Suspended In White
Of a Star: Finding Gaia. Free and legal download here: http://www.archaichorizon.com/releases/AH039?from_page=1
Stockfinster - A Crack In Time
stockfinster : All Becomes Music (Sutemos011). Free and legal download here:
2010. november 11., csütörtök
elDot - Λιμάνι [Harbour] (miktek remix)
Remix by MikTek of elDots beautiful track Λιμάνι [Harbour]. The track is available for free download via soundcloud : http://soundcloud.com/miktek
2010. november 7., vasárnap
edPorth - Kreuzberg and the sun
edPorth Saying vamos and thinking let's go....Free and legal download here: http://edporth.bandcamp.com/
Code0066 - Thought The Lights Ep - In The Evening
Through The Lights is an utterly beautiful dub techno ep, slow-mo heartbeat and spare, resonant clamor suggesting passage through some dank and shadowy interstice, hypnotic combination of light, flittering rhythms and subtle sonic accents......Free and legal download here:
Play this one loud.... :o)
Play this one loud.... :o)
2010. november 6., szombat
Crashed By Car - Oswald's 47
Fictions And Fires, a debut release from Oregon's Crashed By Car. Free and legal download here: http://www.archive.org/details/mtk115
Xerxes - Presets
From Xerxes - Presets ep; a lovely tune, with Cafe Del Mar feeling to it....
Free and legal download here:
Free and legal download here:
2010. november 3., szerda
Acreil - Just
Acreil - Blue Music
Free and legal download here:
http://www.archive.org/details/enrmp092_acreil_-_blue_music2010. november 2., kedd
Suecae Sounds - Klaralven
Various / Secret Games.
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
2010. november 1., hétfő
Casper - Casper
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
2010. október 24., vasárnap
2010. október 22., péntek
Motionfield - Biodynamic
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
2010. október 15., péntek
Flutterspot - Daily Sway Of Everything That You Touch
Flutterspot - Labmat ep. Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
2010. október 11., hétfő
Fieldtriqp - Lost City Sidewalks (Video)
Fieldtriqp - Eidolon EP. Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
fieldtriqp ~ all that see
Fieldtriqp 349 EP. Free and legal download under Creative Commons license here:
2010. október 9., szombat
Sharp - Sunset 14
Sharp - As Days Get Shorter. Released Under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5.
Free and legal download here:
Free and legal download here:
Planet Boelex - Leaving Quietly
Planet Boelex aka Ossi Peltonen,electronica/Ambient/Downtempo producer from Lahti, Finland.
Mini LP : Suunta is free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
2010. október 8., péntek
ambient music // Fescal - Moon Man
34 minutes of pure ambient bliss coming right out of Korea!
Free and legal to download under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal to download under Creative Commons License here:
2010. október 2., szombat
SLP - Birds
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons license here:
Field Rotation - Zeitreise
"Carving Mirages is the first installment of the new Chillbasics compilation series from the Chillbasement
netlabel. Consider it an invitation to enter a dreamlike wonderland of
evanescent illusions blurring into a vanishing point on the horizon.
Crossing the unmarked boundaries between psychedelic chill out,
soothing down...tempo, and deep ambient, this compilation features 14
tracks forged by new and promising artists intent on weaving stories of
the intangible while experimenting with sound at the edge of
consciousness." - Chillbasement.
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
Transient - Treelighting Ceremony From A Distance
Transient -Be (EP)... Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
And/Or - Anscope
And/Or - Snow Effects
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
2010. október 1., péntek
Risch - 5 : 8 AM
A Monotonik debut from UK electronic music artist Risch, who brings an almost Ninja Tune-esque cut-up electronics aesthetic to us with his debut EP, 'Synesthesia' - a delightfully flippant mix of voice samples, funky beats, and beauteous melodies.
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Risch - 5 : 8 AM
"A Monotonik debut from UK electronic music artist Risch, who brings an almost Ninja Tune-esque cut-up electronics aesthetic to us with his debut EP, 'Synesthesia' - a delightfully flippant mix of voice samples, funky beats, and beauteous melodies."
Free and legal download here:
Free and legal download here:
2010. szeptember 28., kedd
Nujabes-space between two worlds
Music is mine
Music is yours
And world is mine
World is yours
Music is love.....
せば じゅん (Seba Jun)Born: 1973 in Japan.
Died: 26 February 2010 in Tokyo.
Rest in beats mate....
2010. szeptember 27., hétfő
Dejaru - Freeman
Dejaru - Bending Shadows
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
2010. szeptember 25., szombat
Snow Tale #3
"I woke up this morning and found that outside
it was snowing. We have had a fair bit of snow recently and it has
seemed to coincide with my creativity and composing, as I have been
writing a lot more than usual. I was watching the snow/sleet hit the
ground and just melt away, as it wasn’t settling. The idea that something has fallen from such a great height, it finally gets to the
ground and as soon as it has landed it has disappeared almost seems
desperate to me and I think it can be used as a metaphor for many
things in life. This is just a very rough piece of music but I have
tried to include every element of weather that I have seen today and
the way it has made me feel.
I hope you enjoy it, I can also make it downloadable on request."
Free and legal download of this utterly beautiful music, here:http://clemleek.bandcamp.c
2010. szeptember 20., hétfő
woodworkings - sinking or swimming
Baltimore's Kyle Woodworth, aka Woodworkings, has been combining bits of acoustic guitar, ambient electronics, and noise for years.After several self-released EPs and various other projects, he's put his nose to the grindstone and assembled a full-length album.The title We Sit on Floors We Stand on Chairs insinuates a certain obstinancy - this album is not going to conform to the status quo.Rather than giving the listener a straightforward dose of anything, it represents an amalgamation of multiple genres and tastes.Combining static elements with the strings of Gordon Withers,the album makes its own rules.
Sinking or Swimming ebbs and flows in a more extreme fashion, featuring the elements of violence, struggle, hope, and triumph; it gives the listener a sense of unabashed truth through the perspective of survival.Toward the end, some distorted sound bites are thrown in, deepening the human element.
Each song contains its own journey,making the album a collection of short stories rather than a chapter novel.And yet a larger story still seems to come across: one of thwarted predictions and flipped expectations.Woodworth sits on floors and stands on chairs, and invites us to do the same...
Free and legal download of this utterly beautiful and interesting album here:
Sinking or Swimming ebbs and flows in a more extreme fashion, featuring the elements of violence, struggle, hope, and triumph; it gives the listener a sense of unabashed truth through the perspective of survival.Toward the end, some distorted sound bites are thrown in, deepening the human element.
Each song contains its own journey,making the album a collection of short stories rather than a chapter novel.And yet a larger story still seems to come across: one of thwarted predictions and flipped expectations.Woodworth sits on floors and stands on chairs, and invites us to do the same...
Free and legal download of this utterly beautiful and interesting album here:
2010. szeptember 18., szombat
Sanderson Dear - In Between The Raindrops
An excellent ep from Sanderson Dear (Toronto, Canada).
Free and legal download here:
Free and legal download here:
2010. szeptember 14., kedd
IJO - A Soundtrack To 3
IJO (aka Audrius Vaitiekūnas) was born in Klaipėda (Lithuania) – where you can see the Baltic Sea. His utterly beautiful debut album Melancholika was released on Surfaces net label in the autumn of 2003.
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Abyssal Plains - Orphic Forest
An excellent release from Kahvi -Abyssal Plains - Pictures in Sound. Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
2010. szeptember 12., vasárnap
SANKT OTTEN - Ein Himmel voller Galgen
The atmosphere is everything and the music is something like a warm blanket to cover your ears in order to sleep and join some perfect dreams. The album Morgen Wieder Lustig is definitely for night times, the sight and the view could draw in front of your eyes is fantastic. Excellent compositions with a beautiful structure and a more complicated sound collage.....
2010. szeptember 10., péntek
SANKT OTTEN - Wunden gibt es immer wieder
Sankt Otten has indeed performed a wondrous feat in finding that point in which simplicity equals beauty and the harmony between music and space has found the perfect balance. Its like standing in front of a piece of art that is so captivating and yet so simple that you cant look away. Its mesmerizing, beautiful and yet dark and desperate at the same time. Sankt Otten's Wunden Gibt Es Immer Wieder is the soundtrack to your thoughts, packed full of dramatic sequences and riveting sensory visions. So simple and yet so amazingly powerful.
2010. szeptember 9., csütörtök
Mikael Fyrek - Splendor Of Scarlet And Gold
Mikael Fyrek- In riots of color they spin.
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
http://www.archive.org/details/kahvi221_Mikaelfyrek_InriotsofcolortheyspinFloating Spirits - Distant Reflection 2010
Ambient dub with ethereal soundscapes...the record crackles and hisses along with just the right amount of rhythm without detracting from its chilled atmosphere. Perfect for both sunshine and late night listening.
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
immerse yourself in "Transmit"... :o)
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
immerse yourself in "Transmit"... :o)
Prurient - Spins The Worlds Wheel Again
Pastel garden: join me in necromanced sunlight after the deluge of these relentless hails, signing the tips of our tongues a powder-cream like the flesh of new earth weathers. a wet canopy of vines curl across the sun where leaves tear gutters. swords of light fall through and meet the earth with a flower's whisper. pollen rides all skin. unfold and wane. i want to rest my head in your tender stomach. be the nude grave of yawning windows for me. let us clash and sleep in primal shape while all the lost deaths of this century clothe the marble beneath our skin. rub this gristle through me like cruel medicine on tip of your arrow fingertips. rip, cut, pour through me that which now sings in heaven. draw the anatomy of the universe 'cross these bones and let your womb sigh as my lips join the sculpture of your breast. love me apocalyptic into a broken carriage and use what is left to build the barricade around your love.
2010. szeptember 7., kedd
Ocoeur - In Time On a Cloud
Les hommes ne savent pas voler. Man cannot fly. Cannot fly and have forgotten the way of dreaming, desiring and missing desires. Of remembering what creates them and what destroys them. Of losing the value for the little things and how to degrade them; degrade them to finally destroy them. "Les hommes ne savent pas voler" represents a selection of 14 sons from Ocoeur, French artist, that situate us in an oniric and psychodelic fairy tail, IDM rifed with details and thorough fantastic sounds.
Free and legal download here:
Have a nice trip.
Free and legal download here:
Have a nice trip.
Christoph Schindling - Reentry
Utterly beautiful ep from Christoph Schindling - Expressions (released on 03 Jul 2010). Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
2010. szeptember 6., hétfő
Mikael Fyrek - Things I See
Utterly beautiful ep....
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
2010. szeptember 4., szombat
Max Richter - Infra 5
Richter's music could broadly be classified as neo-classical, or
ambient, or electro-acoustic chamber music.These descriptors give you
an idea of his sound, but they don't tell you what the music feels
like.So while I can recognize those generic touchstones,i hear Richter's music first as night music, sound that makes darkness feel
alive.It's as though music allows us to see the melancholy or even futility
of activities we take for granted. The more mundane the activity and
the more achingly gorgeous the music, the more we feel the effect. And
this music is achingly gorgeous. It's also uncomplicated. If one were
to transcribe it, it would look childishly simple on the page: long,
held notes, a few repeating phrases locked together, some strings
working their way through a chord progression, note by note. But it's
not the substance of the music that matters so much as the way it's all
put together, and the way the composer understands timbre and what it
can suggest...
Infra was originally conceived as a 25-minute score for a Royal Ballet collaboration between composer Max Richter, choreographer Wayne McGregor and visual artist Julian Opie which premiered in November 2008 and was also broadcast on BBC2. Fleshed out to just over 40 minutes through the inclusion of outtakes and extended sections, the soundtrack was recently revisited and recorded by Richter and a string quintet with a view to documenting the ballet and giving the musical accompaniment a life of its own.I should note that the original inspiration for the whole collaborative project was T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land.
2010. szeptember 3., péntek
Skytree - Algae Rhythm
Free mp3 available here (track exclusive to video project): http://skytree.earstroke.com/Public/A...
While - Edit
From the ep Besides, released in 2004.....
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
Ben Woods - Leaning On Atrophy
Capturing the elegance and emotion of sheer minimalism; Ben Woods from the album Liaise In Silence. Free and legal download here:
http://www.wiseowlrecords.com/Direct link:
2010. szeptember 1., szerda
Atmogat - One for the Past
From: Elpa39: Elpa Seventh Compilation - Straume (April 2, 2010)
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download, under Creative Commons License here:
2010. augusztus 31., kedd
Mnemonic - Konservierte Emotion
From the ep Character Setup by Dnn/Mnemonic.
Free and legal download here:
Free and legal download here:
Muhr - Maru
From VA - Demeter Weeps (2006).
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
Free and legal download under Creative Commons License here:
2010. augusztus 17., kedd
Para - Slow Dub [HQ]
A dreamy debut
release of Para, from the warm and incandescent Napoli,
southern Italy.
Capturing the scents of Jamaican root vibes
meeting with smooth, slow and magmatic dub motions of the Vesuvius volcano.
Free and legal download under Creative Common License here:
release of Para, from the warm and incandescent Napoli,
southern Italy.
Capturing the scents of Jamaican root vibes
meeting with smooth, slow and magmatic dub motions of the Vesuvius volcano.
Free and legal download under Creative Common License here:
2010. augusztus 16., hétfő
Reii - Cover Your Dreams
Free and legal download of this utterly beautiful ep, under Creative Common License here:
2010. augusztus 13., péntek
Khonnor Cantelopps
Khonnor(aka Connor Kirby-Long) from the ep Lost Pets.......At once ambitious, honest, dark, nostalgic and direct, Lost Pets is an unflinching, melancholy, yet ultimately optimistic.....
Free and legal download, under Creative Common License here:
2010. augusztus 11., szerda
Sleepy Town Manufacture - O nei (Unit 21 Parting Mix).wmv
From the album : Intelligent Toys 2, released by one of my favorite label: Sutemos.
"Sutemos alters an old saying of Arther C. Clarke's to their own end: There is no band. It's a simulacrum with a stellar sound system. Nothing you see or hear is real. Sufficiently advanced technology, indistinguishable from magic. Or dreams. - Intelligent Toys rekindles joys of childhood and sustains those who are still caught up in their innocence. These are songs built from experience, digital creations which have been carefully massaged and groomed and polished to reflect purity, grace and the luminosity of spirit. Intelligent Toys makes magic; this is a record filled with dreams."
Free and legal download under Creative Common License here:
"Sutemos alters an old saying of Arther C. Clarke's to their own end: There is no band. It's a simulacrum with a stellar sound system. Nothing you see or hear is real. Sufficiently advanced technology, indistinguishable from magic. Or dreams. - Intelligent Toys rekindles joys of childhood and sustains those who are still caught up in their innocence. These are songs built from experience, digital creations which have been carefully massaged and groomed and polished to reflect purity, grace and the luminosity of spirit. Intelligent Toys makes magic; this is a record filled with dreams."
Free and legal download under Creative Common License here:
2010. augusztus 7., szombat
2010. augusztus 5., csütörtök
Dunaewsky69 - Love Is All
Free and legal download here:
2010. augusztus 2., hétfő
T.C.O. - Blinkblau [Photography: Matthew Mullin AKA Hexogenik]
Free and legal download here:
Yagya - A Thousand Words (Live)
Free and legal download, under Creative Common License here:
2010. július 27., kedd
Sleepy Town Manufacture - Die Tomorrow Day Together
Free and legal download here:
2010. július 18., vasárnap
Paraphonic - Kamchatka (Ocralab Remix)
Free and legal download, under creative commons licenses, here: http://www.archive.org/details/Paraphonic-ReformationsE.plc33
2010. július 9., péntek
Kultobjekt - The Coffee Brings You Back
Kultobjekt knows how to pace tracks, leaving out complex sounds for just the right moments; a tasty fare between minimal and dub.....
Released by 1Bit Wonder; a netlabel offering free music under Creative Common License.
Free and legal download here:
One of my favorite late night/early morning tune.....Play it loud! :o)
2010. június 27., vasárnap
Idhren - Watch The Nocturne
Crisp & glitchy beats, deep synths, sentimental atmospheres & somber melodies, all perfectly combined.....
Free and legal download of Idhren debut ep Dwarf Planet, his first album Klint,etc... here: http://www.myspace.com/idhren
Free and legal download of Idhren debut ep Dwarf Planet, his first album Klint,etc... here: http://www.myspace.com/idhren
2010. június 19., szombat
Mikael Fyrek - A dream I Never Had
Slowpaced, cinematic progression. You seem to be speeding by arctic landscapes, or watching nature bloom in front of you. Free and legal download here: http://softphase.org/netlabel/releases/sfp02
2010. június 17., csütörtök
Wisp - White shapes (early)
Wisp - Let Me See Your Shapes. An amazing collection of tunes that are about 1-2 years old and all unreleased. Free and legal download here: http://www.wisp.kaen.org/
Ocoeur - Trip Hop in the Night
Ocoeur – Les hommes ne savent pas voler (2010)
Les hommes ne savent pas voler. Man cannot fly. Cannot fly and have forgotten the way of dreaming, desiring and missing desires. Of remmembering what creates them and what destroys them. Of losing the value for the little things and how to degradate them; degradate them to finally destroy them. “Les hommes ne savent pas voler” represents a selection of 14 sons from Ocoeur, French artist, that situate us in an oniric and psychodelic fairy tail, IDM rifed with details and thorough fantastic sounds. Have a nice trip.
Free and legal download here:
2010. június 1., kedd
Polaski - End of Time
Keeping it simple is the key - and 37 ways does that with elegance and style. Free and legal download under Creative Common License here: http://www.kahvi.org/releases.php?release_number=283
2010. május 31., hétfő
The Tumbled Sea - Summer IV
The Tumbled Sea: Melody/Summer.
Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?u5yen4hmnfc
Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?u5yen4hmnfc
2010. május 29., szombat
The Tumbled Sea - May
Free and legal download of this truly breathtaking album here: http://www.thesilentballet.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2471
2010. május 10., hétfő
DFRNT - Quite Simply
From the amazing Anechoic Chamber album. Free and legal download here: http://www.echodub.co.uk/
2010. május 8., szombat
avtheorem012 - Komatsu & Fiumfoto - inrec anphibian
Free and legal download here: http://www.audiovisualtheorem.com/index_eng.html
2010. április 29., csütörtök

Music is art, a subjective expression of reality, and as such it enriches everyone that listen, so I think each form of art should be available for everyone, and that's why my music is under Creative Commons licenses, allowing you to download, share, copy and distribute it." -Bosques de mi Mente, 2007.
Free and legal download here: http://www.bosquesdemimente.com/blog/
Monoceros - Happiness
Barcelona based Joan Malé (Monoceros), purveyor of a glistening, sparse brand of electronica returns here with 'Tales for 'Silent Nights'. The name Monoceros, meaning a faint constellation on the winter night sky, certainly encapulates all that Malé's latest LP strives for. Tales... opens with "The Day We Became One", a swelling composition in which Malé element-by-element offsets shards of digital glitches and brash electronics with delay-processed synth doodling and deep synth chords. Indicative of the man's dedication to combining the organic with the processed, the records opener is one of LP's highs, sweeping over the listener effortlessly...
Free and legal download here:
Free and legal download here:
2010. április 28., szerda
Downstate - If Could Be
Early Satellite Morning is my debut long-player. The songs on this record were created between December 2007 and August 2009 before I moved to China. Due to being practically, surgically attached to my computer, this period was pretty prolific musically. After a batch of stuff doing the rounds as demo's, I had some of my songs from this era re-housed by Awkward Silence Recordings in the form of a split release CD with Porn Sword Tobacco. "Sleepweight", was also given a nice vacation on Radio 1 courtesey of Huw Stevens. The weaker orphans were left to gather dust on my hard-drive unil now. Having remained proud of some of these songs, i thought they probably deserved a new home themselves. So here they are, fifteen songs of humble melodic electronica, all living peacefully together as a glitch-wrapped free album.
I hope you enjoy the record, feedback and thoughts are always welcomed.
Good things to you all. - Downstate
I hope you enjoy the record, feedback and thoughts are always welcomed.
Good things to you all. - Downstate
Naono - Untitled Merrow
Naono from the amazing album Sleepy Pebbles..... With an inward flow, Naono's Sleepy Pebbles is a solitary ambient
album focused on the inner self. It's lonesome yet comforting in its
ability to convey a sense of familiarity through quiet and calming
sounds. Gradual shifts in pace and beats that whirl like the eddies of
a current, 'Sleepy Pebbles' goes with the flow. Sonics are soft and
smooth as if worn by time and the natural elements. Naono forms
atmospheres of blues and greys and invokes a hermetical sound that
places the listener into a state comfort and inner unity....
Mon at 10:40pm ·
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Another Quiet Winter from NCThomspon and the Sleepy Pebbles from Naono, both released in 2010, are among my all time favorite albums. After i played them for the first time, took me several hours to touch the ground again. :)